Damnation Robot Part of being where I’m at now is getting messages of some very cool fiction that’s coming down the pipeline. Damnation Robot is one of those. I don’t think I ever would have discovered Aaron Crash without someone bringing him to my attention, and I would have missed out! This isn’t someone I […]
Happy Frogs Ribbit Awards Nominees Announcement
The second most prestigious awards in Science Fiction (Dragon Awards #1) will have the most dangerous voice in science fiction, Jon Del Arroz, announcing their nominees this morning. You’ll want to tune in and see who received such amazing honors from the board of trustees. This will be live on my periscope here. Replayed on […]
Full Text Of Damore’s Class Action Lawsuit Against Google
I’ve been reading through this and it’s fascinating. California may be applause-worthy for once in protecting political classes, affiliations, associations and speech. I’m pretty proud of my state and I hope this leads to a stop in the overreach from the establishment elites in openly discriminating against conservative voices. You can read the suit here. […]
Official Statement On Stan Lee Allegations
Many readers have sent me messages about the very serious allegations made against Marvel creator, Stan Lee. As one of the creators involved in Atl-Hero, I would like to further clarify as Vox Day implied, that I have had no contact with the nurses caring for Mr. Lee, nor have I any hand in propagating […]
Want To Read “Compassion?” You Can…
I submitted my short story “Compassion” to the very respectable Clarkesworld Magazine. I knew this would be rejected going in, but I thought I’d give it a shot anyway. Unfortunately I am far too dangerous of an author to ever be published at a magazine like them (and I don’t mean that to insult them, […]
I’m In Good Company
It turns out I was wrong in saying WorldCon made an unprecedented move in banning someone over politics. It has happened — one time before. Today on the blog we’re going to take you all the way back to 1939, where WorldCon was, like in this year, all too proud of blackballing someone over their […]
An Open Letter to Worldcon GoH Spider Robinson
Dear Spider, My name is Jon Del Arroz. I’ve been a big fan of yours since I was in high school (which is about 20 years ago now) and one of the reasons I was so excited to go to worldcon was that you were going to be attending. I made a video about how […]
Friday Friends: Book Signings as an Indie Author: The Case of The Thing in the Woods
Today I’m starting a new feature on the blog in an effort to help promote more authors in the indie community. Friday Friends! Our first post is by Matthew W. Quinn, who tells of his experience with book signings as an indie author. Is it worth your time to pursue for your books? Find out […]
Sci-Fi Author Speaks Out On How I Act At Conventions
A review of my personality by Dorothy Grant, who posted on the Mad Genius Club article about me, author of the really fantastic book, Scaling The Rim. I’ve met Jon Del Arroz in the flesh, at LibertyCon. At the time, I was exhausted, in serious pain despite painkillers (they help with the knee, but not […]
Hello New Readers
It’s been a crazy couple of days with the extreme vitriol brought upon me by the elites at Worldcon. Most people, however, see that what’s been done is completely tragic and unprecedented and are rallying to my support. I literally have thousands of messages in support, far more than people who attend Worldcon in the […]
Music Is Mindset
Something I’ve wanted to post about for a bit in terms of general “successful mindset”, is about music. It’s no secret that I’m quite into bubbly pop music, especially that of the legendary Taylor Swift. I love listening to music on vinyl, which is why I would recommend you to check out these turntable guides for […]
Guest Posting Guidelines
A lot of successful authors use their platforms to promote other writers, and in 2018, I want to help with that as well. I’m going to launch guest posting this year, once a week, for authors to be able to talk about what inspires them in writing and culture, in hopes that some of my […]