Yesterday I ran into a very powerful blue-checkmark literary agent who represents a rather big NYT bestselling author on Twitter. He was going off on sensitivity readers and while describing exactly how it is censorship, claimed it’s not censorship at all. It was a bit of a crazy thread, all about shaming authors into not […]
Are You Reading Astounding Frontiers?
I’ve mentioned a lot on the blog how short fiction markets don’t really get much traction. This is true, but that doesn’t mean there’s not deserving ones out there. Something that might have slipped under the radar for a lot of people is Superversive Press’s Astounding Frontiers. This is the brain child of my publisher, […]
Ringer Writer Ben Lindbergh Is An SJW Who Hates Conservatives
Yesterday, I posted all of the crazy hate that I was receiving in ben’s Effectively Wild baseball group, where i posted my very well-received piece in the Federalist on how baseball fans should stand for the anthem. I wish I could say it stopped there. I expected I’d get a little shade from the group, […]
Mainstream Media Fans Attack! I do a periscope on it. got a nice hate review on Amazon, but Amazon already took it down: I could use some more real reviews of For Steam And Country though. Please leave one if you haven’t!
Best Of The Hater Comments From My MLB Federalist Article
This was my rather innocuous article that most Americans would agree with and isn’t inflammatory at all. It didn’t stop the SJWs from being crazy, however. This is a best of, and about 3-5% of the amount of hate comments I received over my article. The pure level of toxicity of these groups is why I […]
Americans Feel Silenced Due To PC Culture
Interesting article by the Cato Institute: The Cato 2017 Free Speech and Tolerance Survey, a new national poll of 2,300 U.S. adults, finds that 71% Americans believe that political correctness has silenced important discussions our society needs to have. The consequences are personal—58% of Americans believe the political climate prevents them from sharing their own […]
New Federalist Article: Saving Baseball From Toxic SJW Politics My article is able. I’m pretty proud to be able to do some sports journalism, which has always been a dream of mine. Hopefully I’ll be able to do more later. I know you guys don’t like to click on it so much but perhaps Federalist readers do 😉 And if you love baseball […]
Sci-Fi’s SJW Terrorism: An Editor’s Inside Look
At the beginning of September, I did a piece proving beyond reasonable doubt that there is anti-male discrimination going on in the publishing industry, and that it’s widespread. It resulted in the Mean Girls in charge of the science fiction publishing organization known as SFWA coming after me and really attempting to destroy my life […]
Alt-Hero: Most Successful Comic Crowdfund Ever
You may have seen a lot of my postings already but if you follow the blog and not my social media, I just wanted to give a big thank you to all my readers for supporting this effort! It’s a big message to the cultural elites regardless of the fact that they went DEAD SILENT […]
Alt-Hero: Paperbacks Now Availble!
Two days left in the campaign for the final push. It’s been such a tremendous success and I’m honored to be a part of this amazing project, also featuring one of my writing heroes, Chuck Dixon. We’ve added the paperbacks as an option now so at the very least go out and grab the ebooks […]
Bad Look For #MLB’s Flag-Disrespecting Kneeler
Oakland sports media was flooded the last couple days on how Bruce Maxwell was unfairly treated when he went home to Alabama, a restaurant (single waiter even in his version) refused to serve him because of the way he disrespected the country. Bruce of course framed it as “the waiter said he was a Trump […]
New Federalist Article
Yesterday a new article in the Federalist dropped on problems in the publishing industry. It runs so deep, and I didn’t even get into the deep personal harassment one takes if they’re going counter-Narrative or even if their identity is “wrong”. It’s a madhouse out there, but everyone here knows how far it goes. Check […]