Pleased to announce that I’ll be a guest on Catholic Geek Radio this Sunday, March 5th at 1:00 PM Pacific Standard Time. We’ll be talking about Space Opera, what makes it good, what makes it bad, and everything in between (probably mostly rambling about Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9… hopefully with a little Star […]
Lent Day 1!
I did it, I’ve made it through a full 24 hours without checking my facebook feed. That’s the hardest part, right? It helped that it was a pretty busy day at work, but I don’t really find myself jonesing for that content. Most of facebook feeds now are all about negativity and fear mongering and […]
SJW Mike Glyer Doubles Down
I don’t know what this guy’s got against me. I’ve never talked to him, met him, or had any interaction with him. I added him recently after he posted a fake news article about me, when he didn’t even bother to contact me for my comments on some libelous allegations that Baycon made to try […]
CLFA Book Of The Year Awards
Nominations are set and the link is below for voting. I’ve read about half the books on this list, and almost all of them are by friends so this is pretty exciting. Happy voting!
Getting Faded
What? At 7 o’clock in the morning on Ash Wednesday nonethethless? Weren’t you just posting about lent? Yes! But I mean something completely different. I’m talking about the new book Fade by my good friend Daniel Humphreys. I had the privilege to be able to read an advanced review copy of this book and had […]
46 Days Of Lent – Bye Bye Facebook
And thus comes the time of year in which we reflect and honor God’s sacrifice to the world when he became a man, took up the mantle of the cross for our sins, and finally overcame death itself in order to cleanse our eternal souls from sins. I watched as a couple of really wonderful […]
Over On Declan Finn’s Blog…
It’s not every day you get to take over a famous author’s blog. I’ve actually done so a few times in my coming onto the writing scene (hello to those readers who are here because of that!), and each time so far it’s come with a pretty specific “write about this” guideline. Last night, I had the […]
And The Award Goes To…
…a few books I read this last month! If you thought I was going to talk about a bunch of people in LA giving accolades to themselves, sorry not sorry. I don’t care about that. What I am doing is launching a concept in which others have done many times in the past, and […]
I Ain’t Buying Comics Anymore
To which I mean I’m completely done with single issue comic pamphlets. They make a mess, they get all over, hard to store reasonably, there’s not really much collector value long term, as I’m not going to want to revisit most of these stories in 20-30 years or whatnot. And even then, things that are […]
Do Away With The NEA
A friend of mine wrote a very well thought out, passionate response to the funding cuts for the NEA, and why we should consider keeping it. I wrote a response which I thought was worth sharing with you, my readers, and here it is: As an artist myself, I’m happy that the NEA is going […]
Great Strides
If you’ve followed me for awhile, you know that my family is very active in supporting the Cystic Fibrosis foundation. This medical charity is honestly more important to me than anything else, writing career included. We do a lot to donate and support this charity as a family. If you’re not familiar with the condition, […]
Geekchats: The Man Who Makes Amazon Bestsellers Redux
Last week, I mentioned I would have Jason Rennie, editor and publisher of Superversive Press, the website, SciPhi Journal and the infamous Forbidden Thoughts anthology that propelled several authors into bestseller status on Amazon. He is the creative genius of the future, one who I’m reliable told that Dragon Award Winning Author Brian Neimeier has […]