Got a nice message this morning to find out I was on Bleeding Cool news, a comic book news website for those who don’t follow such things. Last week, I forwarded them my 2nd blog on the troubles that Marvel is having, after my research going into every single one of their writers’ twitters and […]
Retro Review: Tarzan Of The Apes
I’ve been promising a review of this book on social media since before the weekend. This is the original Tarzan Of The Apes, Edgar Rice Burrough’s classic 1912 novel that spawned more than twenty sequels, endless comic books, a ton of film adaptations over the years, and for the crime of being a true man’s […]
When The Blackballing Gets So Bad Even The MSM Reports
Hollywood Reporter actually posted an article A New McCarthyism today, following the theme of a lot of what I’ve posted about over the last few months, from my own local convention shunning me over politics, to Marvel Comics’ apparent litmus test of only hiring writers of the extreme left persuasion. This isn’t in Hollywood alone, but […]
Marketing 101: Content Creation & Knowing Your Audience
I blog post a lot, and have been active enough for long enough to note trends. I hit upon about one topic per week that my audience clicks and shares on repeat until it gets a viral amount of traffic that I wonder both where it comes from and where it goes the next day. […]
Marvel’s REAL Diversity Problem
In yesterday’s post on Marvel, I talked about the global problems that have gone on for a long time that have consequently torpedoed the comic book industry over decades. Disney is either complacent in this or they are pushing this decline of this division, which can only be described as a complete business failure. It […]
Three Quick Ways To Support Your Friendly Neighborhood Blog Author!
I do this reminder every week or two, just as a reminder because every bit helps: Pick up my book, Star Realms: Rescue Run. Leave a review on Amazon. Share it with your friends. Join my mailing list so you can be instantly updated about new releases/giveaways (rarely email, just for that. ask anyone […]
That Time I Wrote 40K Fan-Fic and Forgot I Did…
I just found this after years. I adapted someone’s short story for 40k into an audio drama for some people online as I was very interested in audio dramas at the time (still am!). Tonight, Daddy Warpig sent over a link to some old Shadow radio dramas from the 30s, which I found awesome, so […]
“Make Mine Marvel No More!”
Marvel Comics has a big problem. I was in my local comic shop today, of which I don’t frequent nearly as much as I used to. I don’t want to say I lost a love for comics, as I recently just plowed through the trade paperbacks of Chew and finished 4 of the end of […]
Michael Savage Assaulted While Out To Dinner
Edit: In retrospect, I should have titled this: “Literal Nazi Left: SJW Assaults Elderly Jewish Man”. Oh well, next time. Cuz it will happen again. Even formerly nice places like Tiburon aren’t safe. This is why my wife tells me I’m not allowed to wear my Make America Great Again hat out, even to go to […]
Rachel Maddow’s Lessons for Fandom
I’ll start with some funnies before we get into the serious. Above, I have the exclusive envelope in which was given to MSNBC last evening. Wonder where it came from? Last night we saw an all too common event escalate to levels where we haven’t seen it before. All of America tuned in to watch […]
New Projects Round Up
Made a lot of progress in the last couple of days. Here’s the skinny of it while I’m hard at work: Edits of For Steam and Country coming back today. I’ll have to dive in and make my own follow up corrections to the work and work on the next clean up pass before copy […]
Retro Review: Three Hearts and Three Lions by Poul Anderson
Once more I delve into my own study of the works of Appendix N and the #PulpRevolution, hopefully not to be too redundant with Jeffro Johnson’s wonderful analysis of the works, as I’m more interested in exploring a literary genre to see what I can pull of value for my own storytelling and reading edification, […]