It took more than two full days for China Mike Glyer to put up my report on FOGCon’s excellent work as a convention on his hate speech website — and of course, he attempted to turn what was a positive event for everyone in the community, into a call for science fiction authors to attack […]
Book Review: Dream Of The Iron Dragon by Robert Kroese
I’ve been a fan of Robert Kroese for a couple of years. I discovered him with The Big Sheep, which is an excellent novel, and went into his Rex Nihilo adventures, which are a star wars-ish parody that really is a love letter to sci-fi. What they have in common is a lot of comedy, […]
Writing To Your Audience
DC posted a strange tweet today regarding one of their comics, seeming to double down on the “we’re going to make comics without action that is just signaling identity politics” that’s spreading through the comic industry like cancer. It made me think about writing to your audience, and the trouble the comic industry is having […]
Someone Tried To Get Me Kicked Out Of A Sci-Fi Convention… And You’ll Never Believe What Happened Next!
Lately I’ve been reporting on a lot of trouble in science fiction conventions. Even though the attendees, guests, and organizers often beat their chests and signal to each other constantly by shouting “diversity and inclusivity!” from the rooftops, the reality of these conventions is often anything but diverse or inclusive because of the way they […]
Friend Friday: Lessons From Self Publishing
Good morning everyone. It’s been a couple of weeks but today we return to our Friend Friday content, where I give other authors a voice on this wonderful platform. His new book is a science horror, and looks really intriguing. A.K. Preston is a good Christian man who from all I’ve seen has a wonderful […]
Review: Balanced On The Blade’s Edge By Lindsay Buroker I’m always on the lookout for quality steampunk fantasy I saw Lindsay Buroker’ss name on several different top lists on Amazon for several months and so I’ve been meaning to check her out for a while. Balanced on the Blades Edge was (and is) free on Amazon the first book in the Dragon Blood […]
Contributing To A New Site
I’ve been reviewing comics on here for some time, lately with my quick shot simple reviews as of late to try to give a feel for what comics I’m liking reading in this environment where so much of the industry is either bad or full of toxic negative identity politics. But I”m pleased to announce […]
Space Opera and Spirituality
Yesterday I had a good question from another writer about characters with spirituality in space opera making for something important to the genre — or better stories. I thought about it over the course of the evening, and in context of the discussion with DS9 and Babylon 5. Deep Space 9 was the first Star […]
New Dangerous Article On Convention Segregation And Discrimination
Rampant discrimination is going on in the sci-fi community. I wrote up the most recent instances of this for Check it out.
What I Wanted From Space Opera
We’re about 15 days out of The Stars Entwined‘s release, and I want to shift gears to talk about space opera. 1999 saw the end of an era on TV with both Babylon 5 and Deep Space 9 going off the air. Those shows really were the blueprint for great space opera on TV, with […]
We Will Win Culture Because We Have Substance
There are some days when the vile dehumanzing thrown from those controlling culture even is a bit much for me, numbed as I am after the overwhelming hate I’ve received since Worldcon decided to unprecedentedly discriminate against me. But it’s important to keep spirits up and keep going. Every success worthwhile is worth enduring hardship […]
Emerald City Comic Con To White Males: You’re Not Welcome Here
The last several months have seen a flurry of discrimination by conventions. Worldcon shamefully and unprecedentedly banned me over my being a political figure, Readercon removed guests over their age, and now ECCC is giving preferential treatment to people based on sexuality, gender and race. Their programming says it all: You’ll immediately note what’s missing […]