This weekend i watched the 6 episodes of The Tick. I don’t watch a lot of TV because it’s usually so dark and dreary it’s painful to watch and makes you feel bad. I don’t want to get in that head space This followed a little bit of that trend as it’s MUCH darker than […]
Gravity Of The Game Novella – Cover Reveal
If you were watching social media last night you may have noticed the cover reveal of my forthcoming novella, Gravity Of The Game. Commissioner Hideki Ichiro is planning a field of dreams on the moon. The World Baseball League has been in decline for decades, about to reach disastrous proportions. To survive, the game of […]
Dragon Awards 2017 Final thoughts
Getting a ton of people asking me how I feel about the Dragon Awards, from friends who are truly interested, to the general hater groups who are trying to use it as means to snipe at me, my fiction, and my friends’ fiction. I’m stoked. 8,000+ ballots were cast. This is a win for fandom. […]
Steampunk Review: Tainted by Morgan Busse
Tainted is a Steampunk novel set in a Victorian-style fantasy world that doesn’t feel all too different from most London settings. Kat is mostly alone—with a dead mother and a mad scientist father who spends all his time away from her, on his projects, and she’s left raised by paid staff, a woman who […]
What Makes Great Sci-Fi Tv?
My hands are a bit sore because I’m cranking away at a novel, so I did a periscope rather than a couple thousand words on the topic. This stems from a Facebook discussion I had yesterday where I said both Farscape and Andromeda are better than Battlestar Galactica and Firefly. It stirred up a lot […]
Music Blog: Brand New – Jesus Christ
One song has really stuck with me as one of the most profound lyrical songs of the last couple decades, and that’s the one referenced at the top of the blog. Really the song is one of the few songs that deals with Christianity and Jesus Christ from a perspective that’s different than you […]
Mindset Motivation: The Greatest Fighters Of All Time
Naturally the talk of the weekend was the Mayweather vs. McGregor fight. There were a couple narratives going on the whole time: Mayweather is too old, past his prime, can’t do it anymore. McGregor doesn’t know how to box, he won’t last, shouldn’t be there. Both fighters were in there saying “I’m the best ever, […]
Last Call For Dragons!
The last ballots go out this weekend, so this is literally your last chance to sign up for the Dragons. If you want to support my work in journalism and producing quality, fun science fiction, the best way to do so is of course to pick up the books themselves, and review on Amazon. But […]
Big Tech Bullies The Little Guy
Big Tech has been making more and more aggressive overtures over the last few weeks, silencing artists in an attempt to remove their platform. Most of these artists don’t say anything remotely offensive to the average person – but they do draw the ire of alt-left internet trolls who hit them with complaints. From Milo […]
Breaking News: New Peter Grant Fantasy Novel
Those who have been following for a bit may know that I’m quite the fan of Peter Grant. I discovered him last year with the audiobook version of his first western novel, Brings The Lightning, which I’ve stated is my favorite book of 2016 (including my own!), and have since gone on to read his […]
An Important Announcement From A Divine Goddess
Yes, you read that right. And there is of course only one person who could be worthy of such a title in this fallen world. She, of course, is Taylor Swift. Taylor Swift has announced her long-awaited follow-up to 1989, Reputation. The singer’s sixth album will be released on November 10th. Swift teased fans with […]
New Services Added!
In case you missed my posting about it last night and haven’t seen yet, I am now offering my services as an Insensitivity Reader, which is also up on the menu bar. This is to make sure you trigger as many snowflakes as possible in an attempt to generate maximum faux-outrage for your manuscript. Please look […]