Earlier this year I was pretty excited to find that Timothy Zahn had a new Thrawn novel out. The original trilogy was something I found exciting in my youth, and I was eager for more with this character, which they’ve actually done a great job of incoroporating into the Rebels tv show as well. It’d […]
More Sci-Fi Fake News Dishonesty
I conducted fun poll about whether you are blocked or not by a very public science fiction author personality who seems to block more than 50% of people who are in the industry or are readers of the genre. My point was this was a very bad marketing plan for someone in the field. It seems […]
Dragon Awards -3 Days Left To Vote
I don’t have time to blog much today. My Seattle trip mid-week put me behind on both work and fiction writing, so I want to get all that done. However, Dragon Awards close Monday, and i need to make this last push. If you want to support me and my efforts here doing independent journalism […]
Linkin Park / Chester Bennington
This is an interesting and sad topic. I know I posted about Chris Cornell before, and I don’t want to get into the trap of blogging every celebrity death as if we’re close personal friends of the deceased, because I’m not sure that’s really a good thing to do with someone’s memory, and second, I […]
Supporting My Furred Friends
This evening I learned something tragic. That I, your humble Hispanic science fiction author, was blocked by the self proclaimed queen of diverse science fiction, N.K. Jemisin on twitter. It seems my mere existence pre-emptively causes her to make sure she is solely in an echo chamber of those who hate anyone who think differently […]
Review: Swan Knight’s Son by John C. Wright
I usually post my reviews here first, but today I went over to the Superversive SF site in order to post my review. It’s a site that should be on your daily blogroll if you like science fiction/fantasy. Some great people write over there. Here’s the review: http://www.superversivesf.com/2017/07/18/review-swan-knights-son-john-c-wright/
The Evil Corporate Patriarchy Is OUTRAGED By For Steam And Country
I figure these headlines work for marketing for TV and movies, it should work here. Pick up your fiction with a strong female lead written by a minority who likely is blackballed by almost all major publishing companies as a result of being outspoken. Signal your virtue like you do with your Doctor Who facebook […]
When They Make The Point Better Than You Can
Doctor Who. I don’t need to say more. You’re already triggered. So we’ll move on from there. I made a post on social media, a cheeky one out of amusement, that posited that Donald Glover should play Wonder Woman, and if anyone disagreed, they were by default racist and sexist. Nothing about the above BBC […]
Edited News Is Fake News
The paradigm of the whole “interview and destroy” has been something that the fake news media’s used to torch people for years. I’ve talked about it before in article form, where a writer pulls a couple of words out of something to make it look like someone said a quote, but only a word or […]
Retro Review: Cash by Johnny Cash
I don’t read a ton of biographies, auto or otherwise. Many of them come across as very dry as they recount events in life chronologically, and no matter how well done that is, it can get boring. The ones that really stand out are the ones that put the feeling and soul of a person […]
How Do We Fix SFWA’s Brand Part II: The Four Ps
Last week I spent some time and identified the public perception problems that the Science Fiction Writers of America has with a large portion of the independent writer and reader demographic which now comprises more than 50% of the product consumed by Amazon’s metrics, which detracts people from joining their club. I’ve been holding off […]
30 Minute Author Interview Podcast
I was interviewed on this podcast and it was very fun. Talk abou Star Realms: Rescue Run and For Steam And Country, plus a chance to win a free ebook! http://www.leighgendarium.com/2017/07/12/episode-61-jon-del-arroz/