Last night I found out that my debut novel, Star Realms: Rescue Run was nominated for the most prestigious award in Science Fiction and Fantasy. Not only that, but every novel on my slate of recommendations got nominations as well. I’m super floored by all the support that you, my readers, have given me since […]
X-O Manowar 2012 Run (Vol 1-13) Reflections
Mild spoilers for anyone who’s reading through this. Nothing big though. I caught up on X-O Manowar, which was just relaunched a few months ago, written by Matt Kindt. The current iteration I found so beautiful that I wanted to go back and see the history of the character, which was rebooted with the rest […]
You Judge Books By Their Covers– And So Does Everyone Else!
I’ve noticed a trend at conventions just based on how people pick up or don’t pick up my books when they walk by: For Steam And Country requires double the amount of books as Star Realms: Rescue Run. Now both of these covers are absolutely beautiful, not complaining about the Star Realms cover in the […]
Retro Review: The High Crusade by Poul Anderson
The High Crusade is the fast paced adventure story that melds both high fantasy and science fiction into an incredible epic adventure. The concept is an alien ship lands on Earth, an advance scout for an invasion force that preys upon undeveloped worlds, subjugating and taking their resources as a galactic empire expands. They land […]
The Last Crusade: Who Is Your Father?
There’s so much to share about the weekend at the Realm Makers writer’s conference, but the most important, brothers and sisters, may be a moment of clarity and revelation that was given early on in the conference to me, and one that the Lord compels me to pass along to you this morning. A lot […]
Realm Makers Conference
Meant to have a blog up for a review of Poul Anderson’s The High Crusade today, but I’m a bit busy at the Realm Makers conference in Reno, NV. It’s a conference dedicated to Christian speculative fiction writers and is really cool, worth looking at and attending in the future for writers. Ted Dekker gave […]
SJW Star Wars Authors Form Online Mob To Harass… William Shatner?
You read this right. William Shatner, in recent months, has boldly gone where almost no Hollywood actors have gone before (because if they’re not retired they’ll lose jobs and be blackballed from the industry by the fascists in control there) by speaking out against PC culture, mobs, and the drive-by hits that ruin people’s lives. […]
The Last Crusade: Letting God Work Through You
I have a confession to make, readers. A year ago at this time and before that, I was not walking the faith in the way I should. Sure, I believed that Jesus Christ rose from the dead to forgive our sins, but I compartmentalized my faith into a “something we do on Sunday” and did […]
Mega-Corporate Fascists Target Independent Content Creator
Earlier today, YouTube, subsidiary of the monopolisitc mega-corporate Google, Inc., removed a video by independent artist and political analyst Bre Faucheux, flagging it for “content.” Bre’s content does not have any violence, no sex, nothing that would be considered over the line, nothing rated R to it. However, she has a political opinion that is […]
Retro Review: Star Wars: The Last Command by Timothy Zahn
Earlier this year I was pretty excited to find that Timothy Zahn had a new Thrawn novel out. The original trilogy was something I found exciting in my youth, and I was eager for more with this character, which they’ve actually done a great job of incoroporating into the Rebels tv show as well. It’d […]
More Sci-Fi Fake News Dishonesty
I conducted fun poll about whether you are blocked or not by a very public science fiction author personality who seems to block more than 50% of people who are in the industry or are readers of the genre. My point was this was a very bad marketing plan for someone in the field. It seems […]
Dragon Awards -3 Days Left To Vote
I don’t have time to blog much today. My Seattle trip mid-week put me behind on both work and fiction writing, so I want to get all that done. However, Dragon Awards close Monday, and i need to make this last push. If you want to support me and my efforts here doing independent journalism […]