I spammed Twitter for like an hour and lost about a dozen followers for being so annoying about this last Friday. But on that day, March 31, 2017, one that will live in infamy forever, worse than any tragedy that has ever occurred before in mankind, Twitter banned @PizzaPartyBen. It’s been like 5 days now, […]
Star Realms: Rescue Run Nominated for Alliance Award!
Wow! Big thank you for all of the Star Realms readers who voted for the book to be nominated. This means a lot to me as a Christian and as a science fiction writer to be considered some of the top SF of the last year. I’ll also be in attendance at the Realm Makers […]
Happy Book Day To Two Great Friends – Griffin Barber & Gabrielle Harbowy!
I often have friends releasing books, but very rarely two on the same day, so this is a special occasion. 1636: Mission to the Mughals https://www.amazon.com/1636-Mission-Mughals-Ring-Fire-ebook/dp/B06XHRHZ3K/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1491337035&sr=8-1&keywords=griffin+barber First up is Griffin Barber, a great friend of mine for a long time and incredible person with a deep perspective and a heart of gold. I’ve had the […]
When Hugo Insane
So much is happening today. I had a planned piece that I’m going to post tomorrow instead, as there’s just been too much sci-fi news to keep up with. Even posting my thoughts on the Hugos has already been scooped by Declan Finn, so I’m going to focus on something that I haven’t seen talked about: […]
So, I Wrote A Blog For Castalia House…
Which you can read here. I also made sure my most ardent supporters are aware of it. You think they’ll read with open minds to further the betterment of culture and the discourse on such?
GeekChats: Running A Successful Kickstarter with Author Robert Kroese
Robert Kroese has run eight successful kickstarters for his books — something very few authors can say they’ve done. It’s hard enough to get kickstarters funded, especially in the novel writing field. Robert and I will talk the strategies and secrets he uses, along with his current Saga of the Iron Dragon project, and probably […]
The Last Crusade: Should You “Turn The Other Cheek”?
Churchians, non-believers and atheists love to use out of context and misapplied Bible verses to tell Christians how they should Christian better. It’s a pastime for these people to get a little smug smirk and act like they understand the teachings of Jesus Christ better than you, when they don’t acknowledge him as Lord and […]
Marvel Starting To Get The Picture
In a little more than a week after Bleeding Cool went FAKE NEWS on me and wrote a hit piece on an indie author in defense of a giant evil megacorporation, ignoring my legitimate concerns about current editorial having destroyed the Marvel Comics brand by not allowing any normal people to actually write their stories, […]
Discovering The Valiant: Bloodshot vol. 1 Review
Bloodshot vol. 1 And here I thought Harbinger was dark. This is probably the darkest Valiant comic I’ve read. What a concept. Bloodshot is a military weapon of a man filled with nanobots that repair him and give him superpowers. He gets beat to a pulp more than Wolverine. The military or secret ops or […]
Book Blast: The I’m Busy Writing Like A Mad Man Edition
Reviewing my new chapters of my forthcoming steampunk novel, For Steam And Country before getting it back to my editor for his work. Then I’ve outlined a new short piece for an anthology that I submitted to, then I wrote a 2,000 word outline for a potential comic series I’d like to develop, and then […]
Last Day To Vote Star Realms For Alliance Award!
This is the last day to vote and I know many of you have already (thank you!). If you have, share this post. Put in Star Realms: Rescue Run by Jon Del Arroz and let’s get this awesome vote nominated. http://realmmakers.net/awards/the-alliance-award/ It does say confirm purchase on there, but there is no purchase required, just […]
If You Ever Remotely Thought FAKE NEWS Wasn’t A Conspiracy…
A simple duckduckgo search reveals something pretty ridiculous. All of these news agencies — or we should start calling them what they are, blogs — with the same headline, same content, which is about the most pointless content that anyone ever could invent (they literally have that much nothing on this guy that this is their […]