I am pleased to announce THE leading Hispanic voice in Science Fiction will once again be attending LibertyCon in Chattanooga, TN on June 29- July 1 this year. We’ve got our tickets, got hotel booked and are going to have a great time. I’m actually going to try to work on coming up with some […]
Happy New Year – A New Patreon Short Story!
My latest short is up on Patreon this morning, just in time for the New Year. This is a FUN one and my readers won’t want to miss it. It’s all I’ll say for now, cuz I’m a tease! Right now there’s 2 stories up – I do one per month so it’s good value […]
What A Great Way To End 2017!
I’m actually sick in bed. Which means I’m spending the day reading manga, sci-fi books, watching anime, and of course a little bit of shitposting, but I didn’t bring you to the blog today dear readers to complain. I’m elated. 2017 has been such a great year for me, probably the best of my life. […]
John C Wright’s Count To Infinity
I am a bit sick here but I wanted to make sure to give an adequate plug to Grand Master Of Science Fiction John C. Wright and his conclusion to his epic… i want to call it space opera but it’s so different than anything out there it’s hard to compare. This is the final […]
The Super Hype Jon Del Arroz Book Of The Year
I read a lot of great books this year. It makes it exceedingly hard for me to choose one or even do a top five like I am prone to doing. Of course, then it’d be just as easy to name one of my own books as book of the year, I mean I am […]
Prepping For Worldcon!
Alright. I’m so excited that my little group is growing by the day! Worldcon again put out info on nominating for the hugo awards. I know a couple of groups kind of have bowed out of this thing in a “we proved our point” sorta way, but real cultural change doesn’t happen overnight — or […]
What Are You Outraged About Today, My Dear SJW Friends?
A lot of what I do is point out that so much of these little cliques of Science Fiction writers focus their entire lives on (they certainly don’t focus on selling books) is how they make FAKE OUTRAGE stories out of something that shouldn’t be a story at all. The last week exemplified this as, […]
Christmas Scripture Reading
I read Luke 1-2 over on Periscope for Christmas eve!
Sorry, SFWA Is Not Your Private Group For Anti-Right Discrimination
The last several days have been a bit of a madhouse. Science fiction hate gossip blog File 770 has dialed up the rhetoric against me in several different posts, because they’re panicked that I fairly qualify as an active professional membership for the Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Of America. I have the sales. I […]
Books For Success
A lot of people ask me about my strategies, tactics, marketing and just general life advice these days. I don’t really read direct “marketing” or “social media strategy” books. Most of those have platitudes that don’t look at general larger scopes or battles. I tend to want to take a global perspective of things rather […]
#MagicGate the new #GamerGate
I have a new article over on Milo Yiannopoulos’ Dangerous.com where I also am pleased to announce I am now a contributor. Important stuff on cultural blackballing as the world gets even crazier: https://www.dangerous.com/39162/arroz-joke-media-storm-destroyed-life-magic-gathering-next-gamergate/ Do share and raise awareness. These companies need to hear your voices! If you’re over here from Dangerous, please check out […]
For Steam And Country Posters!
I had a lot of requests for posters for For Steam And Country, since the book cover is so gorgeous. With the help of CryptoFashion, we’ve been able to make these a reality. The lighting is a bit bad but this is the production sample they just sent to me. So cool! You can get […]