I had originally thought that this would a short read, something quick that I could get into and show its influence on the streampunk genre, as in steampunk communities, this book is talked about regularly. I’d considered it proto-steampunk from my loose memory of it as a child. Perhaps its due to its attitude, just […]
#Steampunk Month Guest Post: Author J.M. Anjewierden
This marks the first time I’ve ever had a guest post on my blog. Not sure how often I’ll do it but I saw that J.M. here had a really awesome Steampunk novel released this week, and invited him to come talk about his release a little bit. The book is Penny Dreadful and the […]
The File 770 Crowd Loves Me, Quite Literally
I’m actually pretty thrilled that Mike Glyer‘s crew over at File 770 has such incredible obsession with me. I don’t know any of these people in person, have barely talked to any of them if at all, except Mike proper, so it’s really flattering to say the least. Last week, I got a creepy poem […]
Behavioral Observations In Science Fiction
Now, I’ve been active in this scene for a long time. Been hanging around big name authors since about 2010, been reading since the 90s, so I think I have a good sample size of the general landscape, and how people react. Here’s the truth: There’s two groups, the old guard burnout mentality, and the […]
For Steam And Country – Now On Goodreads
Exciting news, fam! I would appreciate if you’d take a little bit of time for the below. There is a pre-order link there but please DON’T buy the book now. Amazon’s algorithm doesn’t count preorders toward day one sales. Wait for the June 15th release so we can get all of the Amazon rankings in […]
#SteampunkMonth On Naming Conventions
Already I’m seeing a small divide in the reviewers of For Steam And Country, and it has to do with the naming conventions. It’s a small thing, but it could lead to be a big thing if all goes well. I figured it’d be fun to talk about before the release (9 days to go!). […]
#Steampunk Month: Anime Rewatch – Last Exile Eps 1-3
Steampunk has been a concept that’s cropped up in a lot of Anime, some of which I’ll talk about more of this month — but Anime is a medium that’s allowed retro-futurist tech to flourish in their concepts, as they don’t have the same American need for “hard” science fiction or fantasy delineations, often making […]
The Last Crusade: Go Forth And Trust In God
One of the hardest things to do is trust in God. There’s always a doubt about what you’re going to do, but that doubt is seeded, and it’s something intentional to keep you from enacting God’s will. A lot of the time you’ll have this nagging sense in the back of your head: I need […]
#SteampunkMonth Short Story Review: Chasing Christmas Past by Melanie Karsak
I learned of Melanie Karsak’s Airship Racing Chronicles through a friend yesterday, and figured I’d check out the short story last night. The short is very short indeed, and it’s actually available for free on amazon, so well worth a try. The short opened in a personal moment, a sad Christmas eve of getting drunk […]
#SteampunkMonth – Why Steampunk?
I’ve tackled this topic on the blog before in a brief form, but I’ll expand upon it. Yesterday, on Twitter, I mentioned “I love steampunk because airships.” And this is mostly true. I would also say that seeing such elaborate and diverse costumes over the years has been equally as inspiring, but what drew me […]
Welcome To #Steampunk Month!
June 2017 marks Steampunk month, in which I and several other folk around the internet intend to celebrate all things Steampunk! I’m starting this initiative because mid-month, I’ll be releasing my second novel, For Steam And Country, which is my first steampunk fantasy: This book’s already getting some great buzz. The first professional review […]
Gorilla Mindset – It Really Works
This is more a reflection on the book Gorilla Mindset by Mike Cernovich and what it’s done to me than a straight review of the book. I’ve applied it, and shown how it’s been applied. How you utilize it will be your story. But this book actually allows for that more than many others,which is why […]