I promised a couple of readers the full interview of Chuck Dixon from my Federalist article. It’s short, as I knew going in that I had a pretty dense article with a lot of other information, but Chuck provides some great, thorough responses: Do you have any thoughts on Marvel’s only hiring hard left writers […]
Hello Influx Of New Readers!
Those who have made themselves at home here know that every couple of weeks I post to give new readers a little “who I am” flavor. Last week had a lot of folk coming over from reddit, this week from my Federalist article. Hi! I’m Jon. I write science fiction, comics (which I’d like to […]
How To Apply For A Job In Mainstream Journalism
This has been one crazy journey, one in which I had no intention of traveling. You might say it’s like the classic hero story. Events happen that are out of young Peter Parker’s control, or in this case, my control, people started reading my blog and my work in earnest, and I learned that I […]
Tweet Of The Day
This would be super funny if it weren’t so sadly true. This is how the FAKE NEWS treats everything. Remember that there’s an agenda, a narrative, and they will lie to you and attempt to destroy the character of anyone, even the most honorable, righteous people. Even God Himself. You can never trust them. They […]
Geekchats Redux: Running A Successful Kickstarter w/ Author Robert Kroese
Since there were some scheduling conflicts, I will be going live shortly with author Robert Kroese about his 8th Kickstarter, Saga of the Iron Dragon which is here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1434376384/the-saga-of-the-iron-dragon-an-alternate-history-t You can tune in to watch us:
Rescue Run Gets 50!
Fifty reviews on Amazon that is. For a total of 4.5/5 stars! Wow! Most recent reviews that got the book there: “If you like fun, fast sci fi with a great crescendo this is for you!” “I never would have tried the Star Realms IP if Jon Del Arroz hadn’t written in it.” “This story is […]
In Which I Take Back My Naysaying About Jharel Cotton From Last Week’s Blog
Such is baseball. He shut out the Royals on the road today, and though the Royals this year aren’t the Royals of a couple years ago, it’s still an impressive feat. A few of the hits last week were some fluke hits, so I should not have downplayed his abilities based on his September 2016 […]
Star Realms: Rescue Run Promo Card!!!
Needless to say, I’m excited. A reader messaged me this morning and let me know that Star Realms: Rescue Run has been made into a promo card for the game,which is available on the Board Game Geek Store: https://boardgamegeekstore.com/products/star-realms-rescue-run-promo-card Very cool. I love the art with the event frame. I think that Antonis (the artist) […]
Monday Morning Round Up
I had quite the busy week last week! Set up and sold books at Colossus Con in Pleasanton, a quaint con, but a fun one. Met some cool new people, sold a good amount of Star Realms: Rescue Run and had an all around good time. For the new folk who met me this weekend: […]
Reminder: ColossusCon in Pleasanton, CA Tomorrow!
Once again reminding that I will have hard copies of Star Realms: Rescue Run for sale, will be signing, and will have limited quantities of my old webcomic Flying Sparks in graphic novel form. I’ll also be bringing my copy of Star Realms to teach folk how to play who stop by. Should be a […]
I’m Going To Talk About Baseball
I’ve mentioned before the traffic differentials depending on what I talk about, and how smart marketing people would focus on what their audience wants, hone that, and keep it going as to not get them to tune out. But it’s Opening Week and y’all are going to have to deal with baseball talk from me. […]
The Trad Pub Mindset On Christianity
I don’t follow many publishers or literary agents. For the most part, I’ve avoided them as I’ve found that they’re in a lockstep mentality both in the ways that business is conducted and in their views of culture. The cultural establishment’s entire mantra these days has become “don’t rock the boat”, while at the same […]